Friday, February 8, 2008

Gig Books

Hey everyone-
Just thought I would pass along some information on an office business management system. It's called GigBooks. If you haven't heard about it yet you can check it out at here
It's basically a website to hold all your clients info, packages, pricing, invoices and info. You can link it up to your Outlook e-mail as well as your accounting program. The greatest thing about it is it's on the web so you can access it from any computer.
I've been looking around for awhile and hate ones that are a software program for a computer. I work during the day at my 2nd job and want to be able to always have access all the time.
It's not out yet but they are hoping by mid to late March it will be.
And the best part is it's pretty reasonable. There is no start up fee or yearly fee. It's a small monthly fee.
Justin is who I talked to. He's really awesome and very helpful. If you are interested e-mail them or give him a call.
I'm going to be testing it for the next couple of weeks and give them some feedback. So hopefully all the kinks will be out before the launch.
Hope all is well with everyone! ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the kind words Mandy!! We are very excited about GigBooks.

Justin & The GigBooks Team