Friday, March 14, 2008

Welcome our newest member

So it's official. Kenny is now part of the alumni association. Kenny, you can send your 1st year dues of $12,500 to me in Chicago.


You can post some really cool content that will make us better photographers and we'll waive your membership dues.

Welcome :)


Mandy Hank said...

LOL- welcome Kenny! You fit right it :)

DeeDee Dallas - Owner said...

Hey Kenny,
It was great to see you and Mike at WPPI, you two are all over the place!

Had breakfast with Chris Diset and it was wonderful to see him, he scolded me for not visiting the blog often enough, so here I am checking in, it's not that any of your are less important, it's just that my work pays better right now. Keeping busy, and thanking the Lord daily!

Blessings from DeeDee Dallas
D2 photography, Riverside, Ca.