Tuesday, July 8, 2008

So where have you all gone

Now lets rekindle this thing !
It's lonely enough in this wedding world and I know I get to travel a little more than most so I expect all my alumni to keep me entertained. However giving starts at home so here's an update.

I placed a series of adverts in Italian Weddings which distributes in the UK and US. They gave me editorial and some double pages (mike was right). I might get a front page if I play nice. Here is the image.
Basic strap line "UK Brides take me with them". Less is more, right. I also got hooked up with Europe's biggest Destination Planners and they promote me from September this year.

What else ? Well I am the proud owner of a 14-24 lens which is a legend on the D3. All you Canon folk hold on I am sure they will answer the D700 genius and so it start again.

What is good in your world, all to easy to think about the negotives currently. War, credit crunch, terror, oil prices. They way I look at it, Brides are still getting married and preserving their day is becoming more significant. I have pushed prices up a little and sold them on the quality and they like it. People are introverting, spending on themselves rather than wasting on everything else.

It's a great time for creative imagery. Now I'm no preacher and my sermon's are nothing compared to Mike's but thought I would spread a little Brit Love.  xxxxxx


Tammy M. said...

Thanks for the post T. So excited for you to get some editorials!!!

John Loyola said...

Very Nice! Hey could you send me magazines with your work in it? Or an electronic copy would be cool. Save some postage. Congrats again on your growing success.